Using technology in the classroom can be a great tool, but it also has barriers, even when used effectively.
Although the price of the mobile devices has dropped in recent years, they can still be expensive. This will lead to those who cannot afford the devices to go without, or have a dely in purchesing them. This can lead to thoses students being bullied by other people, which causes other issues.
The devices that the students have may not be suitable for the work that needs to be completed. It may be an old phone or laptop, that does not have the right software for example.
The student and the teacher may not have experience with the technology and it may be used wrong, or not at all, making the devices useless.
Wahab (2003) suggests that when a class are all using laptops or on phones the teacher cannot see what the students are doing as it can create a barrier between student and teacher.
From personal experience, a student was found shopping for clothes during an anatomy and physiology session.
The students may not get the support that they need from LSA or teacher as they will look up the spelling of a word etc.
The students may not develop their literacy skills, as the laptop can automatically change the spelling or sentence structure.
Wahab, S. Factors Correlating with Teachers' Use of Computers in the classroom. (2003) USA.
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