Wednesday, 10 December 2014

The value of mobile technology in teaching and learning

Mobile technology can be very valuable in the classroom.  The devices are becoming easier and cheaper to purches, and the majority of people have a mobile phone, or a tablet or a latop. Educational establishments are also purchesing these mobile devices, so all of the students have access to them.  Today, mobile technology is part of education.  As mentioned in a previous blog (Bring your own device) some students are required to bring in their own laptops to their classes.  This allows all of the students to have access to information when they want or need it. 
Lave and Wenger (1991) suggests that students are more likely to learn when the informaiton is relevent and can be put into use straight away.

Mobile technology also gives learners control over their learning. It allows the students to learn outside of the classroom, such as at home, on the train or when they are out and about.  It also creates a bigger window for teachers to meet more of the needs of the students, as you can tell the students to go on websites suited to them, or create more activities that meet other needs and/or learning preferences.    

In my sector, animal care, there are multiple ways mobile technology can be implimented.  When observing animals, their behaviour can be recorded by the mobile phone or tablet, and that student has their own copy of the video and can share with others. 

As technology improves, learning and teching will improve. 

Lave, J and Wenger, E. Situalted Learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. (1991). Cambridge: Cambrisge University Press.

1 comment:

  1. i've noticed that all the mobile technology references in all the blogs are at least a decade old and pre-date smartphones. I wonder if there has been any other research done.
