Wednesday, 21 January 2015

The end of the blogs

The blogs have come to an end.  I feel that they have been a good way help explore technology.  Although I do not see the great usefulness within the classroom.  I can see how they could become a chatting resource for the students to discuss their work or an idea, but as metioned in other blogs, all of the students have a mobile, so there is no great need. 

IT overall, has been a huge help within my teaching.  I have used some technology within all of my classes.  Either that is PowerPoint, socrative, mind mapping and more.  I cannot wait unitl I learn about the other IT teaching resources that I can use. 
As all of the students are growing up in a technology rich environment, we as teachers and providers, need to keep up and develop our teaching ways and resources to aid in their education. 

In this point in time, my experience of teaching is fantastic.  It has been very busy, with varoius bumps in the road when it comes to student behaviour, but I love it. 

I may continue blogging when I have time and something interesting to say. 

Saturday, 10 January 2015

A TED talk that has inspired me

When browsing through the TED talk website, I came across a talk from Rosie King, where she is talking about her autism and how she has delt with it. 

She is an amzing young lady that travels and explains her situation to people.  She explains the sterotypes of autism and how she and some others do not fall under the sterotype.  This is a message that can be applied to everything and everyone.  Dont judge and dont sterotype, because people may be different from their label or sterotype. 

I love the following quote:
'What if that was the best compliment you ever recieved.  Wow, you are really normal.'

People would like the compliments, 'you are extraudenary, you step outside the box and you are amazing.'  Like Rosie says, if you want to be these compliment words, then why does everyone want to be normal?

Be yourself, no matter what.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

After the holiday's

Another year is over, and a new one begins. 
This term I am planning on gaining more confidence with teaching and using more technology in the classroom.