Thursday, 6 November 2014

Technology and animals

Technology can help various jobs and industries, and the animal sector is no exception. 

As technology develops, the need for animals in the scientific research will decrease, meaning that fewer animals will be used.

Animals have aided in many health discoveries that would otherwise not exist.  Below is a health timeline listing the medical advances that used animals to help, (Watson, 2009).

Health timeline.  Descoveries that used animals.
Testing new drugs on animals is still a requirement, although with the use of technology such as virtual computer models fewer animals will be used during the whole process.  New technology is making drug testing faster, cheaper and more accurate. 
Below is a video that explains how animal testing could be a thing of the past thanks to technology.

Geraldine Hamilton: Body parts on a chip

Understanding animal research. 'Health Timeline' 2014. [Accessed: 5th November 2014]

Youtube.  Body parts on a chip. 2014. [Accessed: 5th November 2014]

Watson, S. Animal Testing: Issues and Ethics.(2009). New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Microsoft Office

Microsoft office is a suit that contains various applications that allow people to create, organise and record information. 
The applications that are available and commonly used within the classroom are:
  • Microsoft word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft excel
All students that I teach have used or are going to use these applications, within their studies.  I have also used these applications as a student and now as a lecturer. 

Microsoft word allows people to create word documents about anything.  The students in my class use word to write up their assignments. Recent versions allow for greater creativity when writing documents. 

Microsoft Word screen shot
Microsoft PowerPoint is an application that allows people to create a slideshow of information.  This is commonly used in lecturing, as it is an easy and interactive way to deliver information to the students.  
Microsoft PowerPoint screen shot

Microsoft excel is a spreadsheet application that allows people to organise data.  The students will use excel during their business module, and other aspects of the course. 

Microsoft Excel Screen shot
I personaly like using these applications and use them all during every week.  I have grown up using them and am very comfortable and confident when using them.  I feel like I can also help others with these application if needed.  

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Teaching with technology 1

These last few weeks I have used various resources that link with technology. 
I have used the Smart notebook on Pembrokeshire College’s system, along with Socrative and PowerPoint all on multiple occasions and with different levels, and activities.
I have had success with all of the software.  I used the Smart notebook with level 1, 2 and 3 animal care groups.  I found the software easy to create and deliver the information.  The students enjoyed having the information delivered in a way they have not had before and in a more creative way. 
The Socrative software I used with the level 3 group.  I devised a quick multiple choice question with the group, during the Welsh Baccalaureate session.  After they all managed to connect to the software this worked very well as it allowed them to use their phones, which always gets engaged in the session.  As the answers would automatically show on the electronic whiteboard they were all intrigued to see what everyone else would think. 
PowerPoint is a tool that I use often, as I am confident on how to use it.  With all my PowerPoint’s I try to make them look different and animate them in different ways, so the students stay engaged. 
With my engagement class I used various video clips.  One that got them thinking about themselves is the motivation speech, below.  I have used this clip multiple times with other groups and levels and they all loved it. 

Below are some screen shots of the Smart notebook, and PowerPoint presentations that I delivered to the groups. 

Screen shot of Smart notebook, above.
Screen shot from PowerPoint.
Youtube.  'Inspirational speech by Dr Randy Pausch'. 2014. [Acessed: 2nd November 2014]

Saturday, 1 November 2014

TED talks

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) talks are conferences that are recorded and was originally designed to emphasis technology and design, but is has developed to include talks on a wide range of topics.    

These talks can be found on the TED website and on other websites on the internet.  The website allows you to search a topic so you can search the talks that you are interest you.  You can also refine your search further by selecting a language and the duration time of the video.  These talks are a good way to add something to the class. 

While exploring this site , I searched for a video relating to animals that also links in with technology.  I found this video (below), and found it fascinating. 
A robot that flies like a bird, created by Markus Fischer and his team.